Honors Banquet
- Co-Chairs
- Master of Ceremonies
- Display Art & Exhibits
- A / V Production

- Photography
- Medallions and  Plaques
- Banquet Coordinator & Treasurer
- Silent Auction / Baskets

- Printed Program

Frank Ianni, LeSans Alexander
Ginny Sladewski
Tommy Gears

Bill Fitch
LeSans Alexander
Yeni Ocampo
Duane Brown

Anthony Alexander
Archives Chairman                                           Frank Ianni
Board Nomination Chairman                           LeSans Alexander

Development & Membership Chair     
Brian Woodcock

Newsletter Chairman

Organizational Direction &
Social Interest Committee      

Website Chairman

Inductee Selection Chairmen        LeSans Alexander
Alex McMahon 

Inductee Selection Committee

LeSans Alexander
Alex McMahon
Yeni Ocampo
Bill Fitch
Frank Ianni

Yeni Ocampo

Brian Woodcock
Duane Brown

Bill Fitch

Alex McMahon
Youth Aviation Achievement Award
Promotion & Publicity Committee
Larry Kelley
Alex McMahon